Monday, November 18, 2013

Still Here!

I'm pleased to announce that our papers will soon be in order for another year! (I don't know why I always here the Russian guy in the subway saying "your paperzz pleazz..." *Firefox!*).

What an honor and thrill it has been to continue in this work for these four years. I never would have guessed that a quick fill-in position for a brother of ours would turn into such a blessed and humbling work. Hopefully, The Lord will allow us to (and lead us through!) many more years of service to the church in San Nicolaas. 

Love and Blessings

Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 2010

a couple guys from the youth group help clean and repair the roof

Sister Patricia with some of the sweet children
the Aruba prison in the distance

Greetings and Love to you all!

Our gospel meeting is getting closer! We are scheduled to begin the nightly meetings beginning the 21st of March. The group from Freed Hardeman will arrive the day before and will be housed with different members of the congregation. we hope that the experience will be encouraging to everyone involved as well as a victory for the Lord's kingdom! Brother Ralph Gilmore will be the speaker for the meeting and his team from Tennessee will be pairing up with us to engage in daily studies and door knocking in the San Nicolas area.

We continue to conduct studies with searching souls. Whether studying with people at the prison, at the church's building or in homes, we are encouraged with the responses to the gospel message, as well as the evangelistic spirit of the brethren.

Mondays have become busy! We enter into the prison in the mornings (the authorities have allowed us to re enter for our weekly sessions with the inmates). After the prison we head over to the Senior Citizens Home for a weekly hour of encouragement and evangelism. in the evenings we have an hour or two of singing at the building.

Currently we are studying the book of Romans on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, Thursdays have seen the start of "Men's Bible Class" and right now we are learning how to be stronger and more evangelistic leaders through the book of 1Timothy.
Saturdays are usually the days for working around the building or youth activities. I really believe that the congregation is settling into a quite a busy and productive weekly routine and feel so blessed with being part of the work.

We have recently received news of more baptisms at Carapachaima in Trinidad (we are so encouraged that the evangelistic attitude of the brethren still flourishes!)

Certainly our work with the church in Trinidad and with the School of Preaching has proven to be a rewarding experience, and we trust that wherever the Lord allows us continuance, that the harvest will be great! More news on our situation with Trinidad as we receive it...God's will be done and His purpose served!

Our thanks to you all for your continued love, prayers and support!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 2010

Dearest Brethren and Family,

Greetings from Aruba!

Just wanted to update everybody on the latest developments in our little corner.

We had a wonderful end of year fellowship with about eighty in attendance. While most of the country was "partying in" the new year, the brethren hear were singing and praying it in!

In March we are planning to have a gospel meeting. A team from Freed Hardeman will be here to help in the evangelism effort. Hopefully we will have many studies and prospects lined up even before their arrival. The meeting will last for one week with 'door knocking' during the day and preaching at night. Please pray that the Lord lead us to receptive and hungry hearts.

For the past three nights we have enjoyed a special set of Bible lessons with travelling preacher, Bob Buchannen (of Kentucky). Brethren from both congregations have been in attendance. He will also be conducting a youth camp at the Tamarind congregation over the weekend, as well as another three night study with the Papiamento speaking brethren.

We will be continuing our song leading and singing sessions at the beginning of February. This time we will hopefully have brethren from both congregations present. During these classes we learn new songs as well as how to sight read the notes...

The prison ministry has stalled a bit. Not because of a lack of effort on our part, but because the prison system has decided to rethink and restructure how to do things. This may have nothing to do with it, but this decision comes right on the heels of the national denomination's session loss of about a dozen men to our Bible class (which met at the same hour). It's very frustrating because i believe there were quite a few men interested in giving their lives to Christ. Please continue to pray for our efforts.

On a final (and different note), I have been invited to conduct a three day/session song leading clinic at the annual Carribean Lectureships being held in Trinidad this July. What a pleasure it will be to fellowship and check in with the brethren there as well as so many others from the other islands.

Our love, prayers, and appreciation are with you all!

God bless and keep you,

Tim, Mary, and Christian

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 2009

Greetings from Aruba!

Mary, Christian and I still await confirmation from immigration...we feel like we've spent the past year in and out of immigration somewhere!

(update: still no news from Trinidad, but the government of Aruba has granted an extension for our stay! 12/09)

However, the work still continues in our corner of the Caribbean! We have received updates that the Trinidad World Evangelism Workshop was successful in raising money for the support of local Trinidadian preachers (and even some of their own missionaries in nearby islands). Trinidad has been sending out missionaries for years now to countries like India, Dominica, Bonaire, Grenada and Tobago. This is a testament to the maturing of the great commission that was planted many years ago. Praise God for His providence! On a special note, dad was one of the speakers at this year's workshop.

The prison work in Aruba is also of particular interest this month. This ministry is fairly new compared to the prison ministries we have in's so interesting to see the patterns and developments of prison ministry in Aruba, and just how similar they are to those of other more seasoned works. Right now we only have a few in attendance, but of the few there are two that appear very interested in accepting truth and Christ's salvation in the very near future...our prayers are that these men make their decisions soon, and that the authorities allow us to baptize them without too many obstacles. It will also be interesting to witness how God will unfold His will for new Christians to worship in this facility...but we remain his workmanship and know that He will work everything out.

We ask your prayers for the prison work here in Aruba, for our Bro Panch and Sis Vivian who so faithfully have been going in week after week to help these men, and for the hearts and decisions of the men that we teach. We also ask prayers for the other precious souls that we have come into contact with, and that our words and lives continue to help them get closer and closer to God's will.

update: our prison class has doubled! Three weeks ago, because of miscommunication, over a dozen men who were signed up for study with a major denomination were 'accidently' placed (and welcomed!) into our session. I'm thrilled to report that since then, many of these men have continued studying with us instead of returning to their previous class.

We thank God for you all!...for your prayers, words of encouragement and your sacrifice.

God bless and keep you!

...sorry about the lack of pictures!...I've been trying to upload for hours!...I'll try again later

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 2009

Greetings To You Our Brethren and Loved Ones!

Just a little update on the work in Aruba.

The ladies at the San Nicolas congregation recently hosted the island's fourth Ladies Retreat. The theme was "Soldiers of Christ Arise" with well over a hundred in attendance. Sister Beth Cook (pictured left, Patricia middle, Mary right) from the United States was the guest speaker. From all reports...i didn't actually attend...the quality and spiritual level of the event was very impressive to all in attendance; there were many visitors present so we have much hope that the efforts of our faithful ladies will prove super-victorious for the days and years to come in the lives of many precious and searching souls. Randy, her husband, spoke for us on their Sunday here. Truly it was a wonderful time of fellowship and learning.

Rejoice with us for the summer addition of our sister Karen. Please keep this single mother and her children in your thoughts and prayers. She was widowed after a tragic accident.

We also invite you to rejoice with us in the new birth of our brother Anton Frederiks. A survivor of a German POW camp during WW II, and many harsh ongoing physical ailments, his prayer (translated by his wife) had been that the Lord grant him enough time to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Two days ago, after translating, study...and more translating, Anton was baptized by his son John and added to the church. Truly we have an awesome God who is not slow in His promises, but is longsuffering to us!

Please continue to pray for the work here. We love you and appreciate all that you do for us in the greatest cause on earth.

The Lord bless and especially keep you all.

In faith and service,

Tim, Mary, and Christian

Tim, Mary, and Christian

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Greetings to You Our Dear Christian Family,

We pray that all is going well in your various corners of the world. Mary, Christian, and I are doing well as we continue the mission in the Caribbean.

1) Trinidad&Tobago:

The work in Carapachaima marches forward with new additions to the Lord's family as well as the continuance of two of our own in the Trinidad School of Preaching. Ravi Rattan and Jenny Lio are the first students to be sent and sponsored by the brethren in Carapachaima. This is an exciting time for the congregation because it is the beginning of a growing base for leaders among our youth. In the past, the congregation was always supportive of foreign students who would come to help the local church...but these students would always have to move on. Now we have our own students who plan to continue working and growing with us! Ravi and Jenny plan to graduate from the school in May 2010. I would ask your prayers for their encouragement and success.

The congregation in the maximum security unit in Arouca continues to grow with the latest addition of more converts. We have begun to experience similar problems with denominational leaders here as is too often common in prison missions. The latest issue is the attempt to force the church to join an inter-faith governing body in order to control our efforts. We ask your prayers concerning these developments, and that we are able to demonstrate honor and Christian integrity, setting the proper example for the brethren inside.

This year I was blessed to be able to be one of the teachers at the school of preaching. The school graduated seven students this year sending fresh workers into Dominica, Jamaica, and Trinidad.

Another development in the school this year was the "changing of the guard" at the director level. Parker and Donna Henderson, after 52 years of foreign mission work, have decided to work in The States for a while. In their place the brethren at San Fernando have chosen Rodney and Janet Tedford. We pray that the school remains strong and continues to place world evangelism at the forefront. We ask your continued prayers to the Tedfords as well as the local brethren who have been chosen to continue this great work.

3) Aruba:

Presently we are in San Nicolas, Aruba.

In June 2009 I applied for residence reinstatement in Trinidad. We were put on hold (so to speak) and have since had to exit...

We were fortunate to be used in the Aruban work back in July. The work here is similar to the work in Trinidad, we even get to enter the prison here once a week (on Mondays instead of Fridays). Our plan is to continue here through January and then revisit the issue in Trinidad.


Dearest Brethren, words simply cannot express our gratitude to you our family. It is truly because of your sacrifices that the work has been able to continue through us. We salute and love you dearly. Thank you so much for all your prayers, support, guest bedrooms, meals, fellowships, fastings, and all other blessings that you have bestowed upon these Hendersons! God be with, and bless you all.

Tim, Mary, and Christian