Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 2010

a couple guys from the youth group help clean and repair the roof

Sister Patricia with some of the sweet children
the Aruba prison in the distance

Greetings and Love to you all!

Our gospel meeting is getting closer! We are scheduled to begin the nightly meetings beginning the 21st of March. The group from Freed Hardeman will arrive the day before and will be housed with different members of the congregation. we hope that the experience will be encouraging to everyone involved as well as a victory for the Lord's kingdom! Brother Ralph Gilmore will be the speaker for the meeting and his team from Tennessee will be pairing up with us to engage in daily studies and door knocking in the San Nicolas area.

We continue to conduct studies with searching souls. Whether studying with people at the prison, at the church's building or in homes, we are encouraged with the responses to the gospel message, as well as the evangelistic spirit of the brethren.

Mondays have become busy! We enter into the prison in the mornings (the authorities have allowed us to re enter for our weekly sessions with the inmates). After the prison we head over to the Senior Citizens Home for a weekly hour of encouragement and evangelism. in the evenings we have an hour or two of singing at the building.

Currently we are studying the book of Romans on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, Thursdays have seen the start of "Men's Bible Class" and right now we are learning how to be stronger and more evangelistic leaders through the book of 1Timothy.
Saturdays are usually the days for working around the building or youth activities. I really believe that the congregation is settling into a quite a busy and productive weekly routine and feel so blessed with being part of the work.

We have recently received news of more baptisms at Carapachaima in Trinidad (we are so encouraged that the evangelistic attitude of the brethren still flourishes!)

Certainly our work with the church in Trinidad and with the School of Preaching has proven to be a rewarding experience, and we trust that wherever the Lord allows us continuance, that the harvest will be great! More news on our situation with Trinidad as we receive it...God's will be done and His purpose served!

Our thanks to you all for your continued love, prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Tim, this is a great idea and could provide a needed track record for future years. I look forward to receiving your updates, but it is nice to be able to read back through previous activities in a single location... God bless and keep you, Mary and Christian.
